Visiting a new church, or re-connecting after a long while, can be an uncomfortable, and often confusing, experience. We’ll work hard to make you feel welcome and to make your worship experience fulfilling. Here are answers to a few questions that may help you decide whether to come for a visit. Remember you are always welcome at Emanuel UCC
What kind of church are you?
Emanuel is part of the larger United Church of Christ denomination. Each of our members and visitors is on a faith journey of some sort. Many are mature in their faith while others are just beginning that journey … and we know that God meets us wherever we are on that journey.
What music do you play or sing?
The service includes congregational hymns from the The New Century Hymnal or from other songbooks, accompanied by the piano or organ. The adult Chancel Choir sings an anthem during the school year. We have special music from time to time that enriches our worship as well.
What should I wear?
It doesn’t matter, and God doesn’t care. You’re welcome to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable … jacket and tie, a dress, a pant-suit, your favorite team jersey and ball cap or cargo pants and flip-flops.
Will I have to stand up and introduce myself?
No. Understanding that this makes most folks uncomfortable, we don’t ask visitors to introduce themselves during the worship service. You’ll find a Welcome Folder in the vestibule that you can take with you when you leave.
If you celebrate communion do I have to partake?
We celebrate communion one Sunday a month as part of the worship service. The United Church of Chirst has an open communion tradition in which anyone who seeks to be in a relationship with God is welcome at the table, but if you’d rather not receive communion, that’s fine.
Can I bring kids to the service?
Yes, infants and kids of all ages are welcome. We have a staffed nursery in the education wing that you can use if needed. There is audio and video of our service in that room.
Do you pass an offering plate?
We pass the offering plate and it is not necessary to give and offering. But, if you would like to give an offering out of gratitude for your blessings, you can. We also have online giving if that would be better for you.
Does your service include Bible readings?
Yes, there is normally three readings. One reading from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. As well as the Gospel reading.
Does your service include a sermon?
Yes, the worship service includes a 15-20 minute message, normally delivered by our pastor. The message is scripture-based and ties in with the morning Bible readings.
Do you baptize people?
Yes, at any age. For those who are at that place in their faith-journey and ready to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, the United Church of Christ has a formal baptism rite, normally conducted as part of a worship service. In the UCC tradition, the baptism ritual is conducted by the pastor and includes placing a small amount of water from the baptismal font onto the head of the person being baptized.
Do you say the Lord’s Prayer in worship?
Yes, we recite the Lord’s Prayer during the Pastoral Prayer portion of the service.
Is there Sunday school?
Yes, there are Sunday School opportunities for children, youth and adults at 9:00 am on Sunday.
Do you offer Bible-study classes?
Yes, we will have a bible study that meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm. You can join in person or via zoom.
Can I come just for Sunday worship, or could I get involved in other activities?
You can be as involved as your time and energy and inclination allow. Some of our members and visitors cannot attend Sunday worship, but are regularly involved in church-related activities during other times. You are always welcome!
Are your services streamed?
Yes, we stream our Sunday services to YouTube and to Facebook.
Is there someone I can contact for other information?
Yes, you can call our office at 573-243-3323. Email: or you may contact Pastor Joshua Rau at 715-294-0157 (text is ok) or email at
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